Manage your portfolio's database
Manage your portfolio's database — See https://github.com/ortfo/db for more information.
$ ortfodb --config .ortfodb.yaml build database.json
$ ortfodb add my-project
Shorthand | Flag | Argument | Description | Default value |
-c | ‐‐config | string | config file path | ortfodb.yaml |
-h | ‐‐help | help for ortfodb | ||
‐‐scattered | Operate in scattered mode. In scattered mode, the description.md files are searched inside `.ortfo' folders in every folder of the database directory, instead of directly in the database directory's folders. See https://github.com/ortfo/ |
See also
- ortfodb add - Add a new project to your portfolio
- ortfodb build - Build the database
- ortfodb exporters - Commands related to ortfo/db exporters
- ortfodb lsp - Start a Language Server Protocol server for ortfo
- ortfodb replicate - Replicate a database directory from a built database file.
- ortfodb schemas - Output JSON schemas for ortfodb's various resources